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Bill Blondeau Writing Portfolio

Bill Blondeau

122 N. 6th St.

Madison, WI 53704



References upon request.

These links point to written pieces of various kinds. Their purpose is to allow prospective employers, clients, or collaborators to judge my ability as a writer. This portfolio is obviously weighted towards Technical Writing; but the nontechnical nonfiction essays, and even the fiction, might have something useful to say.

As a rule, these pieces are not very long or complicated. My sense is that shorter pieces probably deliver more bang for the buck. One exception: the NGWMN Documentation Excerpts are drawn from a large, complicated, and highly technical documentation project, and consequently run long. (Anyone who wants to assess my hardcore technical documentation chops should probably start with that one.)

A note about the referenced works: content published online is, in general, copyrighted, with all rights reserved. This includes content in GitHub repositories. However, if the repository contains a specific license (usually called "LICENSE" with a filetype extension) that license supersedes the general assumption of copyright.

Technical Writing

Most of my Technical Writing proper has been done on closed, internal systems for clients. Here are some publicly available examples:

Tech Community Articles

Posts and commissioned pieces about the Tech Industry, considered as a community of professional practice and as a community of individuals.

Articles, Essays, Posts

A selection of well-received nonfiction pieces. The tone varies depending on the anticipated audience, the purpose or import of the piece, and the context.


I've written some fiction. A couple of pieces have been accepted for publication:

Here are drafts of some as yet unpublished works that seem to hold some promise…